Fast alpine descents and the Volagi Liscio

Did you see Valverde descending off the Tourmalet? Probably the scariest but most enjoyable part of road riding. Better than mountain biking maybe even better than skiing. The speed is so high and the risks even greater. When you see a car or motor bike you know that in a split second you’ll roast ‘em…

South Down’s Way. Did it defeat us?

We failed. The target was 9 hours and we did 10, 10:02:44 to be precise. That was 36 minutes better than last year but not good enough. Instead of three weeks to think about this one I had twelve months so I should have got it right. The training went alright despite the constant tyre/tube…

Preparation is key

Preparation also leads to paranoia. Last year I more or less decided to ride the South Downs Way with three weeks notice. All I did by way of preparation was to ride flat out to the Lewes A27 crossing a few times and gave up biscuits, beer and crisps. This year I have had twelve…