What a difference the wind makes? Or lack of it!

I rode my Wilier Cento Uno again yesterday and whilst I have been raving about the 3T Ergosum shallow drop bars on the De Rosa Merak the fact that the Ritchey Logics drop lower probably makes me faster. Low is good especially in Worthing, one of the top kitesurfing venues in the country. At 20…

Has Spring sprung?

Joy of joys, despite a typically dreadful BBC forecast it was dry and, relatively, warm last night. Warm enough for shorts and a light long sleeve jersey and for the first time this year no winter road boots and not even any shoe covers. It was bliss. Has our long overdue Spring finally sprung? Of…

De Rosa serata and a mud report

Last night we had a De Rosa evening. Mark Chan from I-Ride came down with some De Rosa bikes, some Fulcrum wheels and the best of the lot a BKool turbo trainer.  That meant that, as well as enjoying some fine Italian wine (and Coca-cola – plug: Andy) and Italian fare, riders could then burn…