Free coffee and West Sussex Weekends campaign

Cycling is more than just riding a bike. Of course, millions ride here and there and never give a thought to being a “cyclist”, but they are. And then there are those who try too hard by making sure that they conform with the correct gear and kit – cycling is now high fashion. But…

Cielo Road Racer Disc – I would, if I could

There are lots of reasons for buying bikes and invariably many buy for the wrong reasons, at least the wrong priorities. This is where women have the edge over men. Most girls, though not all, want a bike for what is can do for them, is the right fit, is comfortable, and will help and…

Use it or lose it!

I must have started half a dozen blog posts with that title over the last 10 years but it is never more apt following yesterday’s ride. The trails were bone dry. Too dry! Obviously the roots had traction but the chalk, clay and flint between them had turned to ball bearings. There are some well…

A celebration ride and the odd thing about cycling in Worthing

As you may have seen in the paper, last Sunday was another emotional but at the same time joyous day for cyclist in Worthing. Worthing Excelsior Cycling Club arranged a memorial ride to celebrate the life and influence of Don Lock on the individuals that had the luck and pleasure to meet him and rest…