All the gear – no idea

I am the man: swanky pure white North Wave Typhoon shoes, Kask Vertigo helmet and my trusty Wilier Cento Uno. He’s got to be quick…. One problem, I was not alone. Quick on your own is not the same as quick in company. Despite thinking that I had found form after Sunday’s ride all of…

Can technical be too technical?

We, the shop boys and a few others, went out for our annual ride on Tuesday evening. Off to Stanmer Park to ride some of those magnificent & technical trails. The last night ride that I had done was in the very same Park on a balmy (dry) evening in June. Boy was this different….

Road rage – never justified even if you are a cyclist

I had an incident last night. Riding home, lights a blaze and keeping my eyes peeled, I was just cruising, I wasn’t in a rush. As I approached my turning I started to indicate and pull out. I usually pull out before every central refuge just to slow the cars down before they cut in….

Accident and the invisible cyclist

I had another excuse today: lifts, and lots of them. With all this driving around town I had a first hand chance to see how invisible cyclists are. It was pouring with rain last night and I was following a cyclist down Lyndhurst Road. I was just behind him as he entered the roundabout by…

Wonderfully windy

I planned the reverse of my usual ride today (Bostal, Bramber, Poynings, D. Dyke and back along the coast) but I overslept so I had to cut things shorts and go direct to Portslade and back. Why such a boring and busy route? To collect some parts for the van. I couldn’t believe the traffic…

Night ride

Night ride is overstating it but I did ride home over the Downs. The shop to home off road involves a climb up to Cissbury and the subsequent down hill. I can think of worse commutes. Not far but it keeps the legs going and does keep the power up. I wanted to test one…