The sun brings out the crowds… and mud.

I have warned countless times over the last 10 years not to ride on melted trails…… Yesterday I did. I could not start until late. So, still wanting to take it easy and enjoying my renewed passion for mountain biking, I opted for the trails and not the roads. It was an easy decision as…

Its all in the numbers – if you can believe them

This was supposed to be about numbers but they aren’t always what they seem. As I was riding yesterday it occurred to me that winter is always slower. The air is heavier, the trails are heavier, the bike is heavier and the body is heavier. However, it is not the protective layer of blubber that…

Winter riding advice and the Scott Scale 900 SL

I know that I harp on about the weather but I am British and so again I refer to our climate and some essential riding advice. Usually at this time of year I would be raving about the first winter rides with minus temperatures and frozen ground. Of course I am referring to off road…