It was fun while it lasted

Over the course of the last 14 years I am not sure quite what I have achieved. There have been beneficiaries from my investment although I don’t know who has gained the most. It is probably HMRC. The landlord did OK, as did the local authority, hopefully my staff gained more than just their wages,…


What is enthusiasm? Some may see it as being over the top or crazy. For some it is an essential part of living. You may just go through the motions of life and I certainly feel like that a lot of the time. In extreme cases that means ticking the days off, one by one,…

Scott Spark 940 review on stunning frozen trails

We have a selection of 2017 Scotts for demo: Sparks, Genius, Genius Plus and the XC Scale. As I have been waiting four months for my Scott Spark RC 900 WC to arrive I was keen to remind myself of how they rode. I took out the Scott Spark 940 which is a great all…

Should the South Downs National Park charge for mountain biking?

I think that we ought not ask that question but should look at the attitude of users, and in this article, some mountain biker’s attitudes to their rights on the trails. When I started mountain biking there were some bikes but no mountain bikes to be seen on our local trails. We didn’t even know…

Use it or lose it!

I must have started half a dozen blog posts with that title over the last 10 years but it is never more apt following yesterday’s ride. The trails were bone dry. Too dry! Obviously the roots had traction but the chalk, clay and flint between them had turned to ball bearings. There are some well…

The sun brings out the crowds… and mud.

I have warned countless times over the last 10 years not to ride on melted trails…… Yesterday I did. I could not start until late. So, still wanting to take it easy and enjoying my renewed passion for mountain biking, I opted for the trails and not the roads. It was an easy decision as…

I love mountain biking.

As I said last week it’s the riding not the kit that counts. Or is it? Let’s define a few things first. I am, foremost, a fitness fanatic, following that I am a cyclist as it’s an easy way to enjoy the former, everything else falls into activities (walking, running, paddling, skiing……. living). The more…

It’s not all about racing

I wanted to celebrate wearing my new Quest Adventure jersey and for some reason I chose the dirt. I don’t know why. Perhaps it is because my closest association with racing jerseys has been on a mountain bike. One of my greatest personal achievements, I remember it well, was walking out of the Ford head…

It doesn’t get much better this……. and its January

I checked the temperature just after 7 expecting it to be freezing. It was 5 degrees and the sun wasn’t even up! I’d had an easy flat road ride on Wednesday and decided not to ride Friday so I was really up for to this morning’s trip. I wanted to explore a track that I…

There’s a place for 26″ and 29″

I harp on and on about 29ers and with good reason. So this week I got Scott to lend us a Scale 29er Pro in medium for Will to try. I couldn’t bear the thought of him turning up for his first race on his Kinesis and getting blown out the back simply because he…