Cars aren’t all bad

More new faces, it’s getting faster, the wind is dropping (at last) and the bunch stayed together.  That is a good summary of last night’s ride. Cars were an issue but not all bad. British drivers have been brain washed by their parents to think that they have rights way above any other user of…

Scott Foil is a Strava winner

They say that it’s all in the mind and another great quote is “it’s not about the bike”. Well I don’t know about that. Last night I was dreading the ride thinking that my legs would not be up to it. I sat in for long periods and struggled to close the gaps when I…

Masochism and the joys of riding a bike

Suffering is what many cyclists want. Why enter a sportive if you don’t want to suffer? Never enter a race if you don’t want pain. But people do. Quite normal sensible people do. Why? Perhaps that in a our safe, over eating, under exercising, often desk bound and motoring lives we, occasionally and for some…

We are now a cycling nation and its warm too. Enjoy!

It was the 2nd of June and I went out for my first ride this year in summer gear. Prior to this I have ridden a few times with arm warmers and braved the weather but most of my rides in the last month have started with arm warmers and a wind proof gilet. But…