It’s not all about racing

I wanted to celebrate wearing my new Quest Adventure jersey and for some reason I chose the dirt. I don’t know why. Perhaps it is because my closest association with racing jerseys has been on a mountain bike. One of my greatest personal achievements, I remember it well, was walking out of the Ford head…

Ride the road – The Tour is on!

The Tour de France has started and there are more Brits than ever before. What’s more they are good enough to win both attention, plaudits , some stages, even a place on the podium. Well done to Geraint Thomas for coming sixth yesterday. As you know I often tell customers that you want your bike…

Dream time – 29er

Now I own a shop so I ought to be a kit freak but anyone that knows me will know that, for me, its not about the bike. I don’t want for anything other than time. I want to ride.  Or that was until I rode the Scott Scale 29er Pro (probably the best value/performance…

The inevitable happened

My other brother, Paul, came down today to ride with Joe and I. Mat joined us and I made the acquaintance of an old friend, the Scott Spark. We started fast, partly my fault but also Paul’s. Paul headed off quick and I followed but then found myself leading with Paul right on my wheel….

Humbled in the wet – Niner Air 9 review

Have you noticed how good a rider you are? Everyone is riding the trails like true mountain bike heros. Don’t you feel proud?  I’m just the same but what happen early this morning? It rained. I’m pretty confident of my technical skills even though I don’t practice them that often so I was up for…

The trails are busier than ever

I don’t have to worry about trying to decide what to ride as life is a bit more structured now that I can road race every Tuesday. The mountain bike was an easy choice. I didn’t have a plan so we just rode into wind. Although the land between the Adur and Devil’s Dyke is…

Humbling but still enjoyable

It wasn’t until 5:30pm yesterday that I finally decided what today’s ride would be. I am so torn between road and off road that I usually leave the decision to some one else. If there is a race on that’ll decide, if there is a bike to test that’ll do it but yesterday my riding…