Hidden miles

If you’ve read any of these posts you’ll know that I have a new bike and that I commute. The commuting miles are the hidden miles, they go unrecorded, unnoticed. Last night I watched Chasing Legends so had to ride this morning. I couldn’t not ride after watching those Heroes. Despite having new road shoes…

To dangerous to ride…..

Its been cold for a long time and most of the local trails had an ice covering as the snow had been packed down by walkers and riders. In palces the ice was clear and solid. Last night the wind blew from the South and whislt it was still wintery cold it was well above…

Has it come to this?

What sort of a country do we live in? Winter arrives and it gets cold so what does the media do? It rants as if cold weather and snow are a news item. Then to make matters worse (especially for me as a retailer), shopping replaces snow as the number one news item. I woke…

Two wheels good – four wheels bad

I went into Brighton to shop using a bike yesterday. What a contrast between Worthing and Brighton. I felt that I was in cycle heaven. A lot of the roads that I went on were limited to bikes, buses and taxis. I rode down pedestrian precincts and even the wrong way down One Way streets…

The days are getting longer……. and bikes bigger

Oh Joy of Joys, I woke this morning in the pitch black knowing that summer is on the way. We have started to see the nights getting shorter. Always look on the bright side of life. Whilst my foot still hurts I have found that riding is not just possible but easy. I was out…

Accident and the invisible cyclist

I had another excuse today: lifts, and lots of them. With all this driving around town I had a first hand chance to see how invisible cyclists are. It was pouring with rain last night and I was following a cyclist down Lyndhurst Road. I was just behind him as he entered the roundabout by…

Is it an excuse to blame the weather?

As I sit here with an ice pack on my ankle I am worried that now the swelling has gone down I may have actually cracked a bone. I start the blog like this as yesterday was Sunday and we all know what Sundays are for. They are for riding. I had a lay in….

Social riding is fun

All my life riding has been about going fast. I really enjoy my rides but there is always a serious element. This week, like last, it was going to be an easy cruise. It was so relaxing, it was fun, it was social. We had a good chin wag and stopping for a pee or…

Enjoy the warm

Its been really cold for a bit too long. Usually I am the one to encourage enjoyment of the cold and snow but with various commitments I have actually used this week of no cars to do more driving than usual. Sunday was my last ride. I’ve driven several journeys everyday. The roads have been…

Snow and a family sacrifice

What a day? The choices would have been: ride, run, walk, XC ski. All excellent ways to commute on a day like this. Cissbury would be amazing. But, in my hard working household, my daughter needed a lift to work for a 7am start. All those choices and I drove! The great thing about this…