Riding with an old friend again – Scott Scale 920 revisited

I had planned to use the Scott Scale 920 this weekend and wanted to get a feel for riding the South Downs Way. I realised that, apart from sections of the SDW between Amberley and Steyning, I try to avoid riding it. I might talk about it every day but I usually ride narrower and…

Mountain bike demo day 23rd March, muddy and wet.

As the week went on the bad weather forecast kept getting shifted back later and later in the week until  it broke late on Friday . The rain was set to finish Saturday morning and, sure enough, by the time we had set up the Ezi-ups and got the bikes out the rain had stopped….

What is the worst thing that you can say to a cyclist?

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.” From that moment on you are destined for a torrent of abuse. Say that you forgot to look. Say that you have only just started driving. Say that you are partially sighted and shouldn’t really be in a car. But don’t say that you did see the rider. What…

Never ride in mud again! But I loved it

I had said that I’d never ride in mud again. Of course there would be an exception – if I was in a race or on an epic ride (SDW) and it was raining then I’d just have to carry on. So it was with a sunken heart that Chris and I drove over to…

Quest Adventure Shop Ride 02/03/13

The trail conditions could hardly be better. Bone dry and just a little bumpy where the mud has dried out with foot or hoof prints still there. The shop ride is so popular that we split it into two groups and I was lucky enough to ride with the regular crew. The rides are governed…