That lovely feeling when you’ve ridden hard.

We had to get back in a hurry. We didn’t say anything. We didn’t need to. The three us had done this many times before. First one takes a pull then the next, never really changing the order. Every once in a while one might show signs of slight weakness or extra strength but we…

Whyte Gosford – first ride

I had to ride the Whyte Gosford as the first person to try it came back disappointed. I wondered why? I decided to ride home with the dog in tow via Mount Carvey. This is a simple enough climb, not too steep, but requires effort to ride at speed. I started by riding across the…

Worthing’s Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

You could easily argue that we live in what is probably the worst town in the worst county with regard to cycling, cycling infrastructure and the statistics for killed or seriously injured. Of course, there is always an upside to every problem, or injury, we live in one of the most cars biased locations in…