Use it or lose it!

Use it or lose it is a good maxim for life. I have not been using it. I feel as if I have gone into shut down mode. Since the South Downs Way ride I think that I have only had two proper mountain bike rides, a month ago with the Strada team and yesterday….

Trying to ride under control – Wilier Cento Uno Air review

Rode today and had three things to think about: new bike to try, new position and new numbers to aim for. The bike was a Wilier Cento Uno Air, it looked very aero not necessarily my cup of tea. As I like to customise everything I decided to add clip-on aero bars to make me…

It’s all in the numbers, or is it?

Last week the Wilier Performance Progress lab set up here at Quest Adventure to do some testing. In all five of us had our FTP (Functional Threshold Power) and lactate tolerance tested. Now I am not training for anything, however, all my life I have been fascinated by my body’s ability to perform. I can…