Riding Frozen Trails

Your annual lecture. Today, some of the trails were just, and I mean only just, frozen. I was out early, to get some grippy-trail-excitement. Proper frozen trails can give you more fun than even the best dry summer trails. Why? Perfect grip both up and down. Some trails, unrideable even if the best of weather,…

Riding frozen trails

Yesterday’s ride was one of those special ones. If you are a skier you might understand. The excitement began earlier in the week with the cold and predicted deep freeze. By Saturday I had put my plan in place and advised the crew. Meet at mine, 7 am. It was still dark. On the day…

Scott Spark 940 review on stunning frozen trails

We have a selection of 2017 Scotts for demo: Sparks, Genius, Genius Plus and the XC Scale. As I have been waiting four months for my Scott Spark RC 900 WC to arrive I was keen to remind myself of how they rode. I took out the Scott Spark 940 which is a great all…

Winter riding advice and the Scott Scale 900 SL

I know that I harp on about the weather but I am British and so again I refer to our climate and some essential riding advice. Usually at this time of year I would be raving about the first winter rides with minus temperatures and frozen ground. Of course I am referring to off road…

Masochism and the joys of riding a bike

Suffering is what many cyclists want. Why enter a sportive if you don’t want to suffer? Never enter a race if you don’t want pain. But people do. Quite normal sensible people do. Why? Perhaps that in a our safe, over eating, under exercising, often desk bound and motoring lives we, occasionally and for some…

Are frosty rides my favourite? Probably

If a judge of a ride is how easy it is to get out from under the duvet then frosty rides must be some of the best: great grip and no bike cleaning. The only problem that I had was that it is December and there is no light. I had a Lezyne Micro Drive…

Riding for pleasure not pain

The ride I rose early excited by the prospect of riding on frozen ground. My wife was surprised that I didn’t want a lay in but some winter days are special. Its not all about going flat out, I told myself, ride for pleasure not speed. And I did. I stopped to take pictures, chat…

Its amazing what a bit of motivation can do for you

Last night I had planned to ride this not expecting the temperature to drop quite so much. However, I wasn’t to be beaten after fun I had on Sunday was so, at just after 7am, I headed off on the Devil’s Dyke loop. It was evil out with a brisk North Easterly cutting into my…

Do I really want to suffer?

I’ve been moaning about the rides being too easy with just about as much time standing around as riding so today we decided to road ride instead. I was dreading the cold but with a bit of thought and preparation I was warm, my fingers hot and tootsies just right. The weather and views were…

Why are we funding an anti cycling organisation?

Yesterday morning in the pitch and freezing black I was trying to motivate myself for a road ride. The stealth like Wilier Cento Uno was sitting in the shop with my twinkle-toe Northwave Typhoon shoes alongside and my kit was laid out on the floor by my bed. It was 5:20 and I needed inspiration….