Use it or lose it!

I must have started half a dozen blog posts with that title over the last 10 years but it is never more apt following yesterday’s ride. The trails were bone dry. Too dry! Obviously the roots had traction but the chalk, clay and flint between them had turned to ball bearings. There are some well…

Sram Guide brakes and struggling in the single track

Sram called up and ask us to use some of their new brakes. Why not? It is fun testing new stuff, gives you a reason to ride (as if we need one) and has been the mainstay of this blog. So where do I begin? I first came into contact with the Avid owners around…

It’s not all about racing

I wanted to celebrate wearing my new Quest Adventure jersey and for some reason I chose the dirt. I don’t know why. Perhaps it is because my closest association with racing jerseys has been on a mountain bike. One of my greatest personal achievements, I remember it well, was walking out of the Ford head…

Masochism and the joys of riding a bike

Suffering is what many cyclists want. Why enter a sportive if you don’t want to suffer? Never enter a race if you don’t want pain. But people do. Quite normal sensible people do. Why? Perhaps that in a our safe, over eating, under exercising, often desk bound and motoring lives we, occasionally and for some…

Never ride in mud again! But I loved it

I had said that I’d never ride in mud again. Of course there would be an exception – if I was in a race or on an epic ride (SDW) and it was raining then I’d just have to carry on. So it was with a sunken heart that Chris and I drove over to…

BeerBabe’s Guest Blog: Taking Part in the Gulbergen24 MTB Race

Judy McNeill and husband Roy travel to Nuenen (Holland) for the Gulbergen24 MTB Race. What do you do with dis-used land fill sites? You ride mountain bikes over them of course! What else! We had travelled to Nuenen, Holland for the Gulbergen24 MTB race. Roy had found the race during a search of the internet…

Windy rides and the sail effect of deep section rims

I can’t remember a year like this. I raced through bluebell woods in bright warm sunshine  last Sunday and then, on Tuesday, I visited hell. I raced at Goodwood. The rain started before I could finish my warm up lap so I was soaked and shivering before the race started. I hate the violent shaking…

Will’s Race Report from Dalby

It’s not all about my rides, here’s Will’s race report from Dalby: Round two of the national points series was held at Dalby forest.  This was one I was really looking forward to due to its reputation of being a very technical and hilly course. It was more or less the UCI World Cup course.  As usual…

Bit off more than I could chew

I’ve been looking forward to today’s ride for a long time. I wanted to ride my Five Ways Loop. I’d ride alone which was what I wanted – no waiting. Jo & Barney were eaten alive on a road race yesterday, Jes was riding WECC Long Furlong event and Will was riding the final round…