Worthing Cycle Forum Meeting

Monday 20th February 2023, 18:30hrs, Committee room 2, Worthing Town Hall, Chapel Road, Worthing We have a local borough council that wants to improve the infrastructure in the town but West Sussex County Council has shown little initiative to implement our Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). We need to discuss what our priorities…

Brighton Bike Share for Worthing – No plans for safer roads

Brighton bikes are coming to Worthing! Here is the catch: we can get hire bikes but can’t get safe cycle routes. Adur and Worthing Borough Council have a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).  It has been completed and feeds into the West Sussex County Council Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. The plan for…

Will West Sussex ever get cycle lanes?

If you live in West Sussex you will be aware that the county has so far managed to get into this new century without following the the rest of the counties of Great Britain that have, to varying degrees, put cycling on their agendas. Whilst the country may lag behind European states by at least…

The world has run out of bikes!

Billed as the most efficient machine on the planet, the bicycle started to gain popularity at the beginning of the last century and thanks to those early riders our roads were paved proving good news for the newly emerging motor vehicle market. Move on fifty years and the nation moved by bicycle. Such was the…

Call for WSCC to act now for safer roads

The West Sussex Cycle Forum have issued this press release calling for West Sussex County Council to act now to make our roads safer. People want to ride their bikes.  The West Sussex Cycle Forum calls for urgent action to keep it that way.   A surge in cycling since the COVID 19 lockdown began…

Worthing loves driving

Worthing is a wonderful town in a beautiful county. Or should I say it was. In 2006 James Brathewaite, the head of SEEDA (South East Economic Development Association) addressed most of our borough councillors and prominent local business owners in a packed Pier Pavilion. His opening statement shook the pier to its rusted iron foundations. …

Worthing’s Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

You could easily argue that we live in what is probably the worst town in the worst county with regard to cycling, cycling infrastructure and the statistics for killed or seriously injured. Of course, there is always an upside to every problem, or injury, we live in one of the most cars biased locations in…

The stone age answer to the A27 traffic issue

Here’s a quick summary of the proposals in the A27 upgrade scheme Public Consultation Brochure. Anything in quotation marks “” is the exact wording from the document. My text is in italics. Walking and cycling “We intend to maintain current walking and cycling routes (What? There are none! OK, the Grove Lodge roundabout circumnavigation!!!) and…

Do you cycle on the pavement?

Do you cycle on the pavement? I do. Sometimes I just want to enjoy my ride home without the fear that it might be my last. West Sussex may lack cycling infrastructure but it has plenty of pavements. You may have noticed that people of all ages and gender are cycling on Worthing’s pavements. Get…