Adultery and the Scott Foil Team Issue

Today’s ride was going to be complicated only because I was going to drop my wife off in Portsmouth at 7:15 am. That meant a later start and, thankfully, my buddies all offered to wait for me. So with my wife away I was set to play and I had a Scott Foil Team Issue…

Today we rode in a bunch

I have spent years riding on my own or in small groups. The reason is that whilst cycling is one of the most important things in my life, it is not the only thing. I have also worked most Saturdays and so I only have one day a week free, Sunday. Ever since I had…

So what is our national sport?

In the Barcelona Summer of 1992 I remember pulling off the road in order to listen to Chris Boardman winning Olympic Gold. Little did I know then what that was going to do for us today. First we had the World Class Performance Plan, then the National Velodrome and since then a stream of medal…

At last a real and fun winter’s ride

The temperature had only risen a few degrees but that was enough to make this mornings ride really pleasant. It was still freezing, the ground was frozen sold or iced up but grip was good provided by the really cold snow. I was riding with my other brother and bearing in mind the conditions we…

For the sheer joy of riding

For me riding is always about trying to get faster, thinking that these miles will benefit me later, perfecting my cornering, trying always to get better. Now at my age that may be a pointless task but that is the way I am. Sometimes something else takes over. I nearly aborted this morning’s ride as,…

Its amazing what a bit of motivation can do for you

Last night I had planned to ride this not expecting the temperature to drop quite so much. However, I wasn’t to be beaten after fun I had on Sunday was so, at just after 7am, I headed off on the Devil’s Dyke loop. It was evil out with a brisk North Easterly cutting into my…