Bad weather: Good clothing helps but so does being mad.

Sunday morning was a day for the hardy. The forecast was bad, the weather worse with rain and a lot of wind. To add to our problems the roads were flooded. There were more puddles and streams running down or across the roads than I have ever seen in all my years of riding. However,…

Enjoying the rain, the warm and my FF29

I race (badly) every Friday and now ride, not “a” but “my” mountain bike, every Sunday.  The Friday road racing was supposed to replace the Tuesday Goodwood Gallops were I’d usually be hanging on for dear life and praying that I’d last. Not so the fourth cat races. I’m not strong enough to get away…

Kinesis FF29 revisted

I seem to have a nice routine. Road race Friday evening and then, mountain biking on Sunday. This is great as I usually spend Saturdays wondering what I’ll ride on my day off. The only problem is that my legs hurt if ever the hills get tough. Last week I took Will for his first…