I’d forgotten how nice mountain biking can be

I know that the trails are perfect and the hills a joy to be in but I have been road mad. It helps having the Tour de France on and its made more fun beacuse I’m racing regularly. I’ve also finally got my trip to the mountains organised and I’ll be riding in the Pyrenees…

The trails are busier than ever

I don’t have to worry about trying to decide what to ride as life is a bit more structured now that I can road race every Tuesday. The mountain bike was an easy choice. I didn’t have a plan so we just rode into wind. Although the land between the Adur and Devil’s Dyke is…

Lazy Days

I had a really easy ride today. Why not? I’m on holiday – chilln’ out, sipping a beer as I write. I watched Philippe Gilbert win the Liege-Bastogne-Liege with the help of the Schleck brothers and I’ve just seen Scott Roberts come 2nd in one of the rounds of the MTB World Cup 4 cross…

Rights of way??? Its getting busy.

I usually feel obliged to ride whenever I can because I work 6 days a week. Sometimes I feel that I have to so that I can write up this blog. Thanks it gets me out on the difficult mornings. My Sunday morning rides have taken on a religious importance. But yesterday was unique as…

A change is as good as a rest – but what a change?

It couldn’t have been more of a change. Jimbo arrange to meet me at 6:30pm. We would be going to Stanmer. I don’t ride at night very often so at 5:30 I realised that I didn’t have any lights. I found some but then discovered that they needed charging. Not very organised! When we got…

Bit off more than I could chew

I’ve been looking forward to today’s ride for a long time. I wanted to ride my Five Ways Loop. I’d ride alone which was what I wanted – no waiting. Jo & Barney were eaten alive on a road race yesterday, Jes was riding WECC Long Furlong event and Will was riding the final round…

Happy as larry

Today was race day. I went up to ride the first round of the Southern XC off the back of Will’s enthusiasm. The race started at 12:30 which threw me. All my races, virtually forever, have started around 9am. I had loads of spare time. Luckily Andy Brooker wanted to come with me. I say…

Over enthusiastic or stupid?

My legs are still aching but I’ve committed to doing the first round of the Southern XC on Sunday. Its a horrible course as I remember, no hills. Hills mean rest as what goes up has to come down. I rely on those rests. I’ve been carried away with young Will’s enthusiasm…… Southern XC

Riding with a limpet

This was it. At last I was going to go for a ride with Wil. He is fast and fit, has just started racing and his enthusiasm is infectious. I am just about old enough to be his granddad. We’ve been trying to organise this ride for ages. My plan was to see if I…

On the trails and happy

The decision was made for me.  My mates were going to ride off road. It would have been too cold and blowy to have fun on the road bike and after my last few rides what I really wanted was fun. I decided to take the Mount Vision XM8. Not my usual choice but it…